Friday, October 26, 2012

10/29 Monday Night Young Adult Drop-In!

Happy Monday!

Tonight at YA Drop-in we will be gearing up for Halloween by doing some Pumpkin Carving!

We have also decided to have a potluck, so if it is possible, bring a treat to share!

We will provide the pumpkins and carving supplies! Should be a fun way to kick off

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Don't forget to vote!

The 2012 Presidential Election is less than 2 weeks away on Tuesday, November 6th! If you need information about how or where to vote, check out this link: .

At that site, you can find links to more information about the candidates, and you can also see what local elections are taking place and who is running in your area.

If you have any questions be sure to give us a call....

Get out there and VOTE!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Great Article for Mental Illness Awareness Week

This week is Mental Illness Awareness Week... here is an article from the Pioneer Press about KSTP's Ken Barlow and his recent announcement that he struggles with Bipolar Disorder. It's encouraging to hear his story!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Monday 10/8 at NWCSP

Happy Monday! Today at YA Drop-In we'll be going bowling at Doyle's in Crystal. We'll leave at 5pm, bring $2 if you can and we'll cover the rest!

Monday, October 1, 2012

10/1 NWCSP Drop-in

Today at Young Adult Drop In we will be planning November's young adult activities and having a pool/ping-pong tournament, hope to see you here!